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Associates in US make covenant

Associates in the Burbank area of California met recently to renew their covenants as associates of the congregation of Holy Faith sisters. Almost all 23 associates in the Burbank group are connected with St Francis Xavier parish.

Associate Mary Ann Madden writes,

‘ We came together as family, and we talked, listened and prayed throughout the morning.Tony Hobbs gave a video presentation on the Holy Spirit that was awe inspiring. Sr. Vickey guided us in prayer and we listened to talks on the pillars of our covenant.We were led through the discernment process in renewing our covenant to the Holy Faith Congregation. After taking time to renew our own personal covenants, we came forward individually and Sr. Vickey and/or Sr. Maureen accepted our covenants and blessed us.The Holy Spirit truly filled our hearts as we pledged to continue following the path set forth by Margaret Aylward and walked by the Sisters and our fellow associates’.

Tony Hobbs, also renewing his covenant, writes

‘ Because we are a close family, the room was alive with the Spirit of Community and the Spirit of Renewal. Her energy filled us and we filled the room with laughter, conversation, prayer, and a reawakening of our faith and our love for the Sisters that bravely carry Margaret Aylward’s mission forward. We feel like we are the legacy of the Sisters of Holy Faith, even as they diminish in numbers. We are emboldened by Margaret’s fearless service and we are empowered by the Spirit her Sisters have kindled within us, as today’s Holy Faith extended family. This Lent, we begin anew … alive and on fire … anxious to serve the family of God in the name of Holy Faith’.

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Becoming an Associate

To become an Associate a person who is interested is invited by a Sister or another Associate to a “Come and See” presentation where she or he  hears about the charism of the Holy Faith sisters, our mission and ministry, a little on our roots, our lifestyle, and our journey with our present Associates.  If interested, the journey begins with an inquiry stage, proceeds to a candidate stage, and culminates in a Covenant with Congregation. Covenants, which are renewed annually, cover the areas of Spirituality, Ministry, and Companionship. There are two levels of association: those who actively participate in our ministries, our outreach to the poor, voiceless and marginalized and fundraising projects connected with the outreach.Then there are those who choose to support us through prayer.